11:30 AM - 1:45 PM
The Keynote Presentation presented by Elisa Esh, Director of Permanency Services, nationally recognized permanency profession and Angel of Adoption award winner, PA Child, and Cindy Casimir, former foster youth, author, and poet, will discuss the gift of family and the reality that foster children having at least one caring dedicated involved individual whether by blood, affiliation or friendship can make an invaluable difference in the quality of their lives.
Foster families help to build the foundation of maltreated children’s hopes and successes and remain ever present during the healing process of heartbreak experienced throughout the journey of foster care. Most children who enter the child welfare system do so suffering from despair and presenting with a great deal of anger, vulnerability, lack of trust and so much disappointment that they feel hopeless they will never become a full-fledged member of any family with which they are placed. Discussed will be the profound impact the love and dedication foster families have for children placed with them even for a brief period of time has on our foster children and how important they are in the formative and healing process for children in out of home care. Foster parents are the foundation, the rock, and the roots that offer maltreated children the opportunity to begin to heal, feel safe, grow and persevere.
The presentation will also feature Ms. Cindy Casimir, who transitioned to adulthood from the system with few supports and no permanency plan, through her own words and poetry readings, express her experiences in out of home care and the means with which she stayed the course to begin the self-healing process and working towards her goals and dreams.
6:00 PM
Annual Scholarship Auction
Plans are well under way for this year’s auction at the 46th Annual PSRFA Conference. Keeping with the theme of Stay the Course we are looking to past auctions to make this one even better than ever for the futures of the children and families we serve.
We recall the many auctions with not only baskets but also the items that were the handcrafts and the treasures from each area of our state. We are looking to showcase these types of articles at this year’s event. We know many people with amazing talents attend our conference. This is your opportunity to show those talents off and help a great cause. In the past there were quilts, paintings, woodworking handcrafts, and flower arrangements to name a few. We remember gift certificates to various venues and attractions. The sky is the limit! We are asking for donations from everyone to assist with the auction. With your help we will be on our way to help our children stay the course!
All donations and items can be brought to the conference with you. We are excited to see many familiar people and looking forward to many new faces at the conference!
As in the past, all proceeds will go toward the PSRFA Scholarship Fund. Please help us make this fund grow with your assistance and donations.
Thank you,
Pat Feaster